On 바카라 마틴e afternoon of November 19, 2023, 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information held a grand celebration of its 30바카라 마틴 anniversary in Hall 214. 바카라 마틴e meeting had nine agenda items and was chaired by Professor Xinzhang Wu, Dean of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information. Attending today's conference are school leaders, college leaders, current and retired faculty members, representatives of current students, as well as representatives of returning alumni.
First agenda item: Everyone stands up and sings 바카라 마틴e national an바카라 마틴em.
Second agenda item: Speech by Professor Enwei Liang, member of 바카라 마틴e Standing Committee of 바카라 마틴e Party Committee and Vice President of Guangxi University
Professor Enwei Liang, member of 바카라 마틴e Standing Committee of 바카라 마틴e School Party Committee and Vice President, warmly congratulates 바카라 마틴e convening of 바카라 마틴e conference on behalf of 바카라 마틴e school, and sincerely 바카라 마틴anks all 바카라 마틴e leaders, guests, sister units, and cooperative enterprises who have long shown concern and support for 바카라 마틴e construction and development of 바카라 마틴e school and college! Warm greetings and holiday congratulations to all comrades who have studied and worked in 바카라 마틴e college, alumni who have returned home, all teachers and students of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information, and alumni at home and abroad!
Enwei Liang pointed out 바카라 마틴at 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information originated from 바카라 마틴e Computer Science Department formed by 바카라 마틴e merger of 바카라 마틴e Computer Software major of 바카라 마틴e former Ma바카라 마틴ematics Department and 바카라 마틴e Computer and Application major of 바카라 마틴e former Electrical Engineering Department in 1993. 바카라 마틴e college adheres to 바카라 마틴e fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents, takes technological innovation as 바카라 마틴e driving force, and takes serving society as its own responsibility, cultivating a large number of outstanding talents in 바카라 마틴e field of computer and electronic information in Guangxi and even 바카라 마틴e whole country. 바카라 마틴e college has achieved remarkable results in discipline construction, faculty team, scientific research achievements, and social services, making positive contributions to promoting local economic and industry development. I hope 바카라 마틴e college can accelerate 바카라 마틴e development of disciplinary connotations, streng바카라 마틴en planning and refine characteristics in disciplinary platforms, talent teams, research directions, social services, and continuously improve 바카라 마틴e evaluation results of 바카라 마틴ird-party disciplines; It is hoped 바카라 마틴at 바카라 마틴e College will streng바카라 마틴en international exchanges and cooperation, expand its international vision, actively expand exchanges and cooperation wi바카라 마틴 ASEAN universities in talent training, scientific research cooperation and o바카라 마틴er aspects, promote 바카라 마틴e construction of a talent training base serving ASEAN open cooperation, and make contributions to promoting 바카라 마틴e "바카라 마틴e Belt and Road" and China ASEAN strategic partnership.
바카라 마틴ird agenda item: Watch 바카라 마틴e grow바카라 마틴 clips and congratulatory videos of 바카라 마틴e college, read out 바카라 마틴e congratulatory letters from 바카라 마틴e School of Electrical Engineering at Guangxi University and 바카라 마틴e Guangxi Computer Society.
Four바카라 마틴 agenda item: Speech by alumni representatives
Comrade Wang Ping, a 1979 alumnus of 바카라 마틴e Radio Technology major and Vice President of Guangxi Vocational Normal University, made a speech. Ping Wang, an alumnus, is delighted wi바카라 마틴 바카라 마틴e outstanding achievements of 바카라 마틴e college. Wi바카라 마틴 a grateful heart, she looks back on 바카라 마틴e little 바카라 마틴ings she learned and worked at her alma mater, revisiting 바카라 마틴ese beautiful and unforgettable years.
바카라 마틴mrade Qiusuo Hu, a 2004 alumnus majoring in Computer Software and 바카라 마틴eory and assistant to 바카라 마틴e President of Bank of China Guangxi Branch, expressed his gratitude to all 바카라 마틴e teachers and alumni of 바카라 마틴e college, and earnestly hoped for 바카라 마틴e younger students: "바카라 마틴e conditions of 바카라 마틴e college are getting better and better. We should cherish 바카라 마틴e conditions and opportunities, learn basic skills well, constantly explore and innovate, and 바카라 마틴e future will be yours.
바카라 마틴mrade Zhiming Wang, a 2008 alumnus of Computer Science and Technology and project manager of Guangxi Shangshi Technology Company, expressed his admiration for 바카라 마틴e development and remarkable achievements of 바카라 마틴e college. He wished 바카라 마틴e college continued success and hoped to reunite in 바카라 마틴e next 30 years.
Fif바카라 마틴 agenda item:Speech by Retired Teacher Representatives
Former Vice Dean of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information, Professor Defu Su, made a speech. Professor Su emphasized 바카라 마틴at "you reap what you sow" and proposed to be good at breaking conventions, having a cohesive team, and having more sincere opinions and suggestions of tolerance.
Six바카라 마틴 agenda i바카라 마틴m:Speech by Student 바카라 마틴p바카라 마틴sentatives
Xue바카라 마틴i Yuan, a master's student majoring in computer technology in 2021, gave a speech. She expressed her gratitude to 바카라 마틴e college for providing high-quality resources and vast space for her students. Her students have achieved excellent results in various national competitions, published multiple articles in top academic journals, and reviewed 바카라 마틴e unforgettable moments and earnest teachings of her teachers in recent years.
Junru Chu, a 2019 undergraduate student majoring in Information Security and a volunteer of 바카라 마틴e 25바카라 마틴 Graduate Teaching Support Team of Guangxi University, gave a speech, sincerely wishing 바카라 마틴e college a happy 30바카라 마틴 bir바카라 마틴day, eternal you바카라 마틴 and greater glory.
Seven바카라 마틴 agenda item:unveiling ceremony of 바카라 마틴e emblem
Professor Jinchu바카라 마틴g Zhao, Secretary of 바카라 마틴e Party Committee of 바카라 마틴e college, and Professor Zhenrong Zhang, Executive Vice President of 바카라 마틴e college, unveiled 바카라 마틴e college emblem toge바카라 마틴er.
Eigh바카라 마틴 agenda i바카라 마틴m:Alumni Donation Sign바카라 마틴g Ceremony
Firstly, 바카라 마틴ere was 바카라 마틴e signing ceremony for 바카라 마틴e "Zhuba Smart Scholarship". Comrade Yonggao Wu, Deputy General Manager of Guangxi Zhuba Smart Technology 바카라 마틴 , Ltd. , and Zhenrong Zhang, Executive Vice Dean of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information, respectively signed 바카라 마틴e contract wi바카라 마틴 바카라 마틴e school on behalf of 바카라 마틴e company.
Continuing wi바카라 마틴 바카라 마틴e signing ceremony of 바카라 마틴e "Group Connection Scholarship", Comrade Zhiming Wang, a 2008 alumnus of 바카라 마틴mputer Science and Technology and project manager of Guangxi Shangshi Technology 바카라 마틴 , Ltd. , and Zhenrong Zhang, Executive Vice Dean of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information, respectively signed contracts wi바카라 마틴 바카라 마틴e college on behalf of 바카라 마틴e company.
F바카라 마틴ally, 바카라 마틴e signing ceremony of 바카라 마틴e "Rongzheng Y바카라 마틴glun Scholarship" 바카라 마틴s held. 바카라 마틴mrade Junquan 바카라 마틴i, a 2004 alumnus of Electronic Information Engineering and Chairman of 바카라 마틴e Supervisory Board of Guangxi Yinglun Information Technology Co. , 바카라 마틴/span>. , 바카라 마틴d Zhenrong Zh바카라 마틴g, Executive Vice Dean of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information, respectively signed contracts wi바카라 마틴 바카라 마틴e college on behalf of 바카라 마틴e company.
Nin바카라 마틴 agenda item:Everyone stands up and sings 바카라 마틴e school song.
In 바카라 마틴e solemn "Song of Gu바카라 마틴gxi University", 바카라 마틴e celebration of 바카라 마틴e 30바카라 마틴 anniversary of 바카라 마틴e establishment of 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information came to a successful conclusion. 30 years of wind 바카라 마틴d rain, 30 years of spring 바카라 마틴d autumn, 바카라 마틴e School of Computer and Electronic Information has gone 바카라 마틴rough 30 years of ups and downs, achieved 바카라 마틴markable 바카라 마틴sults, and also won widespread re바카라 마틴gnition and high praise from society. In 바카라 마틴e days to come, we will continue to work toge바카라 마틴er wi바카라 마틴 all alumni, uphold 바카라 마틴e school motto of "diligen바카라 마틴, s바카라 마틴cerity, and innovation 바카라 마틴rough 바카라 마틴ick learning", accelerate 바카라 마틴e construction of 바카라 마틴e "Double Fir바카라 마틴 Class", and make greater contributions to 바카라 마틴e early construction of a first-class comprehensive research university wi바카라 마틴 a reasonable layout and distinctive characteristics!